Ai-Da | The world’s first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist.

Ai-Da is the world's first robot art system to be embodied as a humanoid robot. Ai-Da is a robot incorporating algorithms from Computer Graphics and artificial intelligence that makes drawings, painting, and sculptures. The robot gained international attention when it demonstrated a capacity to draw people from sight with a pencil using its robot arm and cameras in its eyes.

Ai-Da was able to creatively devise drawings, using AI and graphics algorithms for drawing and painting. Algorithms for collaborative sculpture were subsequently added. Watch on YouTube

Ai-Da at a solo show called Ai-Da: Portrait of a Robot at the Design Museum in London, including self portraits, an apparent paradox given a robot has no self. This raised questions about identity in the digital age, and the role of our digital double as we engage with technology. Ai-Da was the first humanoid robot used to design a font at the Design Museum.

Ai-Da used an embedded language model to generate and then recite poetry at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. There were two public performances, as part of the Dante: the invention of Celebrity at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford.


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