Disney introduces a charming, roller-skating mechanical rabbit to help guests "emotionally connect"


Disney debuted a new robot prototype at SXSW Austin, Texas. Watch on YouTube

Designed to look like the bunny rabbit character Judy Hopps from the movie ‘Zootopia,’ the robot was unveiled by climbing out of a box, rollerblading across the stage and doing somersaults.

She’s the size of a little girl, but has big droopy ears like a rabbit, and is wearing roller skates. 

On shaky legs, she manages to stand up and regain her balance. With her first moves, it’s obvious she’s already formed an emotional connection with the audience.

And with this, the little bunny robot does a front flip and bumps her head before recovering and finding her footing again.

She’s then picked up and propped onto her creator’s shoulders like a child.


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