LUCAS 3 | The First Robot Paramedic Does CPR in an Ambulance.

The LUCAS 3 device is a mechanical machine that can deliver CPR and uses Bluetooth to configure the compression rate, depth and alerts and can also collect data which can be reviewed and shared with other clinicians.

The device is a mechanical system which can deliver high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) chest compressions consistently from the moment crews arrive on scene and throughout a patient's journey to hospital without interruption. Watch on YouTube

CPR is essential to maintaining blood and oxygen flow around the body while a person is unconscious and not breathing.

LUCAS devices are also used for resuscitation in hospital emergency departments and to support patients in cardiac arrest in intensive care units, as well for patients undergoing life-saving coronary balloon angioplasty and stenting procedures to widen narrowed arteries.

The system uses wireless Bluetooth connectivity, allowing it to configure the compression rate, depth and alerts specific to an organisation's resuscitation guidelines. It also means it can collect data which can be reviewed post-event and shared with other clinicians.


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