TITANOBOA: World’s Largest Snake Robot

Titanoboa is a full size electro –mechanical reincarnation of the ancient, 50-foot snake killed off by past climate change. The project is a vehicle to provoke discussion about climate change and energy use, and to enable learning through the creation of a engineered art piece. Titanoboa is capable of moving with 5 different modes of motion although the most commonly used mode is lateral  undulation. Watch on YouTube 

Proto Labs recently produced 100 of these super slick belly scales designed by Hugh Patterson that will help Titanoboa slide on all terrain!  Read more here. The machine also has a small roller on each vertebrae to enhance frictional anisotropy.

Dorsal scales on back of live snake. These scales may be composed of translucent material to highlight internal lighting. Regardless of transparency of scales, internal lighting will shine through cracks in the beast’s armor. Scale design and manufacturing is ongoing.


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