BionicANTs | The World's Most Advanced Robot Ant

Ants are hard workers that live in large colonies with a clear hierarchy. Working as a team enables them to perform tasks that a single animal would not be able to manage on its own. For the first time, the cooperative behaviour of the creatures is also transferred to the world of technology using complex control algorithms. Watch on YouTube

the BionicANTs work together according to clear rules. The small robots communicate with each other and coordinate their actions and movements with each other. The artificial ants thus demonstrate how autonomous individual components can solve a complex task together by working as an overall networked system.

It is not only the cooperative behaviour of the artificial ants that is amazing; even their production method is unique. The laser-sintered components are enhanced with visible conductor structures in the 3D MID process. They thereby take on design and electrical functions at the same time.

The actuator technology of the legs makes use of the advantages of piezo technology. Piezo elements can be controlled very precisely and quickly. They operate with little energy, are virtually wear-free and require little installation space. Three trimorphic piezo-ceramic bender actuators, which serve both as an actuator and a design element, are fitted in each thigh. By deforming the top bender actuator, the ant lifts its leg. The pair attached underneath enables each leg to be exactly moved forwards and backwards.


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