FIBERBOTS | The World's First Self Growing Robots

FIBERBOTS are a swarm of robots designed to wind fiberglass filament around themselves to create high-strength tubular structures. These structures can be built in parallel and interwoven to rapidly create architectural structures. 

The robots are mobile, using sensor feedback to control the length and curvature of each individual tube according to paths determined by a custom, environmentally informed, flocking-based design protocol.

 This gives designers the ability to control high-level design parameters that govern the shape of the resulting structure without needing to tediously provide commands for each robot by hand.

The 16 robots, including the design system to control them, were developed in-house and deployed to autonomously create a 4.5m-tall structure. The structure remained outside and undamaged through Massachusetts’ winter months, demonstrating the potential of this enabling technology towards future collaborative robotic systems to create once infeasible designs in potentially far-reaching environments.


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